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Forex Trading Article Of The Month
Quality Forex Education Resources
by Dan Ho
The following is a brief and by no means complete list of sources.
Forex Trading for Maximum Profit: the Best Kept Secret off Wall Street, a book and CD-Rom by Raghee Horner offers forex education for those who are just beginning to learn forex trading trend lines and the differences between major and minor trends. The book also explains the process of placing orders and tries to prepare the reader for the ups and downs of forex trading. The CD-Rom included with the book illustrates trading techniques and the authors successful trading systems. Raghee Horner is referred to as a master teacher of forex education.
The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD library is a product by Online Trading Academy which attempts to be the ultimate forex trading education package, with not one, but 24 CDs. This package strives to explain everything from the fundamentals of forex, to advice for those seeking to learn forex trading as a business.
There are numerous websites that offer demo accounts designed to help the individual learn forex trading. One particular site, Hawaii forex, offers not only free demo accounts, but also free 'webinars'. This site also sells a basic forex trading educational package and a 'power course' to learn forex trading indicators.
Another company that will soon offer live forex education on the web is forex Trading USA. This company recommends mentoring as the key to effective forex trading education that will lead to eventual success at trading currencies.
Advanz Forex offers on-line courses designed to 'jump-start,' according to them, successful trading. For those who are in a hurry to learn forex trading, perhaps this is the right educational package. This forex education course is available in English and Spanish.
As with any investment, forex trading can lead to substantial losses. The experts say that the best way to avoid excessive loss is through education and independent professional advice. For anyone attempting to learn forex trading, it would be inadvisable to make that first trade until you have some solid forex education as currency trading is more sophisticated than either equities or options.
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Some Quick Forex Information
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So you want to become a forex trader but aren't too sure where to begin to learning process. Well, you're in luck. In today's information age, the internet is an invaluable tool that can help you find just the type of forex trading training that you'll need to make it big in foreign currency trading.
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Every trader should find his/her method/system which suits his/her own situation and personality. And that system/method must be the one that has proven to be able to make some money through trials. So, if Tom, the medium-term trader, revealed his money making method of last three decades, it may not have the same effect for Dick and Harry, the day traders, and vice versa. Agree that most fail for lack of system/method and/or lack of discipline to follow through.
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What will this mean for the currency trading market?
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Traders that try to pick the tops and bottoms of the market throughout the day end up with mostly misery because inexperienced fellows in Forex departments even in first division clubs try to pick the tops and bottoms believing that is where the real big money is. And ego demonstration and bonus consideration comes into play too for smart college graduates. The first thing I do when facing new recruits is, do my best to destroy their ego and fear in the market first. Once their ego and fear are reasonably cured, they become dutiful followers of the market like Pavolv?s hounds and they can survive. And once they can survive, they can be taught on how to put temporary tops and bottoms to the market at much higher level of speculation school. Then, that may take at least a decade of training too.
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